Social Cohesion of Farmer Groups In Soppeng Regency

Latang Latang(1*), Nasrah Nasrah(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. This study aims to determine the social cohesion of farmer groups in Soppeng Regency. The location of this research are Jampu village and Barang village. The research method is qualitative research, research subjects are farmer groups with as many as 10 informants. Social cohesion of farmer groups is traced to the closeness of social relationships, namely interaction, communication, cooperation, mutual assistance, mutual cooperation, solidarity, and tolerance. In the farmer group interaction, the aim is to receive information on innovation. Social cohesion in cooperation, exchange of information, mutual assistance and mutual cooperation, solidarity, and tolerance of farmer groups. The result of the research achievement is the deepening of information about the closeness of social relations in farmer groups related to the value of cooperation, tolerance, solidarity, mutual assistance, mutual cooperation with farmer groups. This study concludes that the social cohesion of farmer groups in the farming process provides a reference for optimal implementation of cooperation, mutual cooperation, mutual assistance between individuals, groups and fellowship groups to carry out commercial farming activities. The farmer groups try to leave farming substantial techniques. The farmer group can carry out suitable farming activities. Rational action for profit. After all, farmer groups interact, communicate with each other and provide information related to agriculture. Also, farmer groups gain farming experience through the process of social learning experiences and learning through information from agricultural instructor. The social cohesion of farmer groups can be realized through optimal interaction, communication, cooperation, mutual cooperation and mutual assistance, tolerance. Moreover, farmer groups have strong solidarity among farmer groups.



Keywords: Social cohesion, farmer groups, social interaction


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