Characteristics of Solar Cells Polymer Asphalt and Rice Husk Ash

Inong Oskar(1*), Ferdianto Tangdililing(2),

(1) Universitas Atma Jaya Makassar
(2) Universitas Atma Jaya Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: Asphalt is a complex compound which main composition consists of Hydrocarbons (compound consisting of the element carbon (C) and the element hydrogen (H)) and atoms of Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S), and Oxygen (O) in a number small. The amount of the elements contained in bitumen are as follows: Carbon (82-88%), Hydrogen (8-11%), Sulfur (0-6%), Oxygen (0-1.5%), Nitrogen (0-1%) and based on SNI 03-3644-1994 testing standards asphalt contains positive ions; Meanwhile, the chemical composition in rice husk ash contains 72.28% SiO2. The aim of this recearch is to determine the characteristics of solar panels made from polymer asphalt and rice husk ash with the addition of electrolytes from nitric acid (HNO3) and to measure how much voltage can be generated. The results showed that the solar panels made from polymer asphalt and rice husk ash with the addition of nitric acid have complex characteristics, where asphalt polymer, rice husk ash and nitric acid which have the potential to be developed and used as a solar power plant. The results of this study indicate that the resulting voltage is 1,232 V at an intensity of 2874 ~ 2892 Lux and a temperature of 42ºC. The magnitude of the increase in voltage starts from 1,057 ~ 1,232 V and the electric current obtained is 0.1A when receiving sunlight. When compared with the total of each material, the voltage increase to 77% or 0.279 V.



Keywords: Characteristics, Polymer Asphalt, Rice Husk Ash, Solar Cells.

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