Webscience As An Online Psychoeducation Media To Reduce Cyberbullying Attitudes For Students At Makassar State University (UNM)

Hamsu Abdul Ghani(1*), Andika Wahyudi Gani(2), Novita Maulidya Jalal(3),

(1) Makassar State University
(2) Makassar State University
(3) Makassar State University
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to find out whether Webscience can reduce cyberbullying attitudes to teenage students. The research used was a one shoot case study experiment, with descriptive quantitative methods. The data was collected using a survey questionnaire related to adolescent attitudes related to cyberbullying, then analyzed quantitatively with the percentage technique. The research subjects were 28 students who were willing to take part in the research. Based on research data, it is known that 32.5% know enough about the impact of cyberbullying, 30% of subjects stated that they know how to behave so that they avoid cyberbullying, 37.5% of subjects stated that Webscience is an efficient media so that it makes it easier for subjects to know about cyberbullying information, then 40% stated that webscience is innovative and effective to use, and 32.5% stated that Website Science has an attractive appearance to be a media of information related to cyberbullying in adolescents. Thus, it can be concluded that Webscience is effective in increasing knowledge of subjects related to cyberbullying, reducing the tendency to behave in cyberbullying. , and improve self-protection from cyberbullying.


Keywords: Factors, Cyberbullying, Adolescents

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