Women with Special Needs in the Societal Perspective of Entrepreneurship and Its Contribution to Improving the Quality of Life of the Family Economy in the Covid-19 Era

Abdul Hadis(1*), Nurhayati B(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Women with special needs in the societal perspective of entrepreneurs have the same obligations and obligations to be empowered for the progress of a nation.  This was confirmed by the  United  Nations  Declaration on "Human  Rights  Equality 'and the Fiqh of Strengthening Persons with Disabilities" in Indonesia.  Therefore, efforts to provide training and entrepreneurship apprenticeship activities to them by the family, school or campus, the business world, the government, and the community are very urgent.  The training and entrepreneurship apprenticeship efforts aim to make them independent in entrepreneurial activities, so that they can contribute to improving the quality of life of the family economy in particular, and the economic quality of life of the people, nation, and country in general in the Covid-19 era.  There are various sectors of entrepreneurship that can be carried out by women with special needs, namely in the procurement of goods and services in the family, school or campus, and in the community.  In the field of procurement, women with special needs can act as shop operators based on daily necessities, while in the service sector, they can act as painters, vocalists, keyboardists, band players, tour guides, news guides, tailors, catering entrepreneurs, and  the other.  Through their participation in the goods and services business, they are expected to contribute in improving the economic quality of their families in the Covid-19 era. 


Keywords: women with special needs, societal, entrepreneurship, family  economy.

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