Development of Learning Media Applications for Android Smartphone Based Augmented Reality (Ar) on Antenna and Propagation Subjects

Tasri Ponta(1*), Firman Firman(2), Putri Ida(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The application technology based on the Android smartphone as an AR learning media begins with the analysis and design stage which results in the initial product of the Augmented Reality learning media application. This study aims to determine: (1) The stages of developing an Augmented Reality (AR) application for learning media based on an Android smartphone. and (2) produce a valid, practical, and efficient Augmented Reality (AR) learning media application based on Android smartphones. The testing procedure in this study went through the expert testing stage and implementation in the form of small group trials and field trials. The subjects in this study were experts and students. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, questionnaires, and interviews. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis. The results of the research at the development stage based on the results of the instrument validation analysis, it can be concluded that the Android Smartphone-based Augmented Reality (AR) media assessment instrument that has been compiled is an RPS instrument with an average of 3.74, a Media instrument with an average of 3.70, instrument material with an average of 3.57, instrument implementation of the media with an average of 3.65, instruments of teaching materials with an average of 3.78, instrument of student response with an average of 3.75, instrument of student activity with an average 3.67, and the lecturer activity instrument with an average of 3.67. Fulfills the criteria for validity in the Very Valid category based on the assessment of the expert appointed as the validator. Based on the results of the assessment obtained in small group trials, this learning media application is feasible to go to the next level of testing, namely field trials. The overall value of the average percentage of the ignition rate is 89.30% with the very valid category. Thus the results of the study indicate that the Development of Learning Media Applications for Android Smartphone Based Augmented Reality (AR) in the Antenna and Propagation Subjects developed is declared very valid, practical, and efficient.


Keywords: Learning media, augmented reality (ar), smartphone, android

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