Analysis the Impact of the Training of Strengthening Principals on Increasing the Competence of Principals of Private High Schools and Vocational Schools in South Sulawesi

Andi Mappincara(1*), Andi Nurochmah(2), M Bachtiar(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The problem in the study is how does the impact of the Headmaster's Strengthening Training on improving the competence of high school principals and private vocational schools in South Sulawesi?". This research aims to obtain an overview of the impact of strengthening training on improving the competence of high school principals and private vocational schools in South Sulawesi. The approach used in this study is a descriptive approach to analysis. The target in this study was all participants in the strengthening training of high school headmaster’s and vocational schools in South Sulawesi Province which twenty six people. Data collection techniques namely questionnaires and interview Data is analyzed descriptively while for impact analysis with N-Gain test on the competence of the headmaster’s school. The results showed the training of the headmaster's strengthening impact on the competence of the headmaster’s turned out to show positive results that proved an increase in scores that each headmaster’s of the private high school after the expected competency as a professional headmaster’s as well as the results of analysis of scores The average pretest and posttest of the training is proven by the increase in the average score scored obtained by each headmaster of high school /Vocational school and private through the provision of pretes and postes at the beginning and end of the implementation of education and training activities.

Keywords: Training, competency strengthening, headmaster’s high school

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