Learning Strategy for Student’s Maharah Qira'ah of the Arabic Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University

Enung Mariah(1*), Sarah Noviyanti Latuconsina(2), Susiawati Susiawati(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The purposes of this research were to determine the students’s learning strategy of reading skils and to find out the benefits or results of the learning strategies carried out by students. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a case study design. Sources of data from this research were students of the Arabic Language Education Study program, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Makassar State University from 69 students in the 3rd semester of 2019 who were obtained using saturated samples. The data in this research were the strategies used by students in reading skills learning. The results showed that there were 6 strategies used by students in reading skills learning: 1) Read the text repeatedly and mark important points in the reading text. 2) Listening to Recorded Text. 3) Reading by Listening to Songs. 4) Reading by Watching Videos. 5) Memorizing, the memorization strategy is the easiest strategy for students to learn reading skills. 6) Reading and Translating are the strategies chosen by students by reading sentences, looking for difficult vocabulary, then translating the text. The results of the learning strategy depend on the efforts made by students in learning. The benefits of this strategy have yielded positive results, that’s cultivating a habit of reading skills learning that is fun and not boring.


Keywords: Learning strategies, reading skill.

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