The Effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) Coated Urea Fertilizer against NH4+ and NO3- Concentration in Clay Loam Soil Texture

Andi Bida Purnamasari(1*), Yusminah Hala(2), Oslan Jumadi(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


The study aims to determine the level NH4+ and NO3- in the soil with clay loam texture with addition neem coated urea fertilizer. This study was conducted in Experimental Farm of Biology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Makassar State University and Laboratory of Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology in Maros. This research was an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with five treatments are control, urea, neem (2,5%) coated urea, neem (5%) coated urea and DCD (5%) coated urea with three replicates. Analysis of NH4+ and NO3- levels in this study using colourimetric method. Results obtained by the levels of NH4+ and NO3- produced after applied of nitrification inhibitor materials coated urea fertilizer as indicated by concentration of NH4+ and NO3- produced in soil. Neem (5%) coated urea as a nitrification inhibitor showed the best effect in increasing levels of NH4+ in the soil, while DCD (5%) coated urea were the best inhibitor in reducing levels of NO3- in the soil.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Andi Bida Purnamasari, Yusminah Hala, Oslan Jumadi

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