Determinant Analysis and Policy Recommendations for Stunting Prevention in West Sulawesi Province

Febriana Andiani Putri(1*), Aulia Putri Rezky(2),

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author



The aim of this research is to analyze root causes and policy recommendations of stunting in West Sulawesi. Stunting is growth failure in children due to inadequate nutrition. Until 2022, West Sulawesi still holds the second highest stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia at 35%. The high rate of stunting becomes a reason to find solutions towards this problem. This research used qualitative research with classification analysis to determine formal problems and used the non-dominated alternative method with effective, efficient and responsiveness criteria to determine policy alternatives. Data sources are secondary data obtained from journals, reports, local government documents and various online information related to the research topic. The results found the high stunting in West Sulawesi caused by various factors including health, economy, education and culture. It was found that cultural factors such as early marriage, contribute to the high stunting prevalence in West Sulawesi. Policy recommendations chosen are microfinance and training programs to increase the income of adolescent girls. This policy aimed at adolescent girls who are vulnerable to early marriage. The hope is through this policy, adolescents are well-informed about the negative impacts of early marriage and by doing so, they would be able to increase their income.


Stunting, non-dominated alternatif, classification, child marriage

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