Analisis Fisiko-Kimiawi Tepung Sukun Hasil Fermentasi Sebagai Produk Fortifikasi Flavor

Hartati .(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author




Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kadar gula dan kadar air tepung sukun hasil fermentasi dan mengetahui daya tahan penyimpanan cake berbahan tepung sukun terfermentasi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga perlakuan yaitu perlakuan A1 (Cake berbahan tepung terigu), A2 (cake berbahan tepung sukun) dan A3 (cake berbahan tepung sukun terfermentasi). Analisis kadar gula digunakan metode Anthrone sedangkan analisis kadar air dengan metode oven. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kadar gula dari cake bahan tepung sukun terfermentasi pada perlakuan A3 lebih tinggi yaitu 0,948 % dibandingkan dengan cake bahan tepung terigu (A1) yaitu 0,480%. Kadar air dari cake bahan tepung sukun terfermentasi pada perlakuan A3 paling rendah yaitu 142,3% dibandingkan dengan A1 yaitu 904%. Cake bahan tepung sukun terfermentasi kurang tahan lama dalam penyimpanan dibandingkan dengan cake bahan tepung terigu (A1) dan bahan tepung sukun (A2). Tepung sukun terfermentasi lebih tahan lama dibandingkan tepung sukun dan tepung terigu.

Kata Kunci: Fisiko-kimiawi, Tepung Sukun fermentasi, fortifikasi



The aim of this research is to know the sugar and water concentration of the bread powder from fermentation and the storage resistance of the cake that made from the fermentation bread tree powder. This research consist of 3 treatments: A1 (cake made from wheat flour), A2 ( cake made from the bread tree powder) and A3 (cake made from the fermentation bread tree powder). Sugar concentration analyze using Anthrone method and for water concentration analyze using oven method.The result on sugar concentration analysis, that the highest treatment shown by A3  equal to 0,948 % between to cake made from wheat flour (A1) about 0,480 %. The smallest water concentration shown by A3 (cake made from the fermentation bread tree powder) about 142,3 % between from treatment A1 about 904 %. Treatment A1 and A2 more storage resistance than A3 (cake made from the fermentation bread tree powder). fermentated bread tree powder  more storage resistance than A1 and A2.

Key Word: fermented the bread tree powder, fortification

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ISSN: 2722-8649

Diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.

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