Application of the Functions and Role of the Three Furnace Stones in Solving Social Problems of Society in the Perspective of Social and Public Administration

Alimuddin Alimuddin(1*),

(1) Universitas Mega Rizky, Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



In most countries today, ethnic conflict provides the context in which public administration must operate. This study aims to find out how Tiga Batu Furnace functions and plays a role in solving various social problems in the Seram community in Kamrian country in Maluku province. Qualitative descriptive methods are used, with documentation and interviews through informants. Information was selected by purposive random sampling from 18 individuals. This study found that Tiga Batu Furnace is the local wisdom of the community, or local wisdom, which serves to connect and unite all villagers of the Kamarian nation on the home island of Seram, Maluku province. Values, norms, customs, religion, and socio-culture are incorporated in the Three Stone Furnaces as local wisdom to reduce conflicts. These values and standards serve as signs and rules that control a person's behavior and actions in social interactions. In this regard, the Three Stone Furnaces continue to try to find peaceful solutions through discussions and conversations to solve various social problems that exist in society and their environment.


Local wisdom of the Three Stone Furnaces, Role Functions, discussion and dialogue, values, and norms.

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