Bersama Melestarikan Lingkungan melalui Pelatihan Mengurangi Sampah Plastik Rumah Tangga

Andi Faridah Arsal(1*), Syamsiah Syamsiah(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The cleanliness and beauty of the environment is greatly influenced by waste. Waste that is not managed properly will affect the quality of the environment. There are two important things in the concept of waste management, namely community participation and management of the waste generated by each household. The problems are: (1) people are powerless to manage waste, due to lack of knowledge of the importance of maintaining and creating a healthy environment, (2) people are indifferent and do not feel they are participating in efforts to create a clean and beautiful environment, (3) lack of knowledge about the major impacts of using plastic bags, (4) people think that shopping using plastic bags is very practical. The solution offered is to provide basic training in stages and practically with the method of delivering materials and demonstrations. Before delivering the material, motivation is given in terms of Enlightenment, the problem of patience and perseverance in the roles and benefits that can be given to nature and others, explaining the latest actual facts about the condition of the earth which has been greatly gripped by plastic waste. The results achieved are that the community is empowered to create a clean and beautiful environment in their environment through their abilities: (1) Having awareness of caring for the environment, (2) Knowing the big impact of landfilling plastic waste on nature, (3) Being able to avoid the use of plastic bags, ( 4) Able to apply, use and develop the training results to the fullest.

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