Muh. Ansar(1*), Gufran D. Dirawan(2),

(1) Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Indonesia is one of the countries that has started to develop organic farming. The attractiveness of organic farming, both farmers and ordinary people, is also triggered by consumer awareness to choose food that is safe for health. This research is a survey research, namely explanatory/confirmation research. The research was conducted using interview methods and questionnaire instruments. The sampling method used purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing showed that the nature of innovation (t-statistic 2.741) and extension support (t-statistic 8.530) had a significant effect on the interest level of farmers. Likewise, the nature of potential users (t-statistic 3.174) and extension support (t-statistic 2.274) have a significant effect on farmer adoption rates. The conclusion of this research is; (1) Farmers are familiar with and have tried organic farming, but the adoption process is still influenced by market access which makes farmers reluctant to start implementing organic farming; (2) the nature of innovation and extension support are factors that influence the interest level of farmers; farmer's nature (characteristics) and counseling are factors that influence adoption; (3) The Salassae Farmer Swabina Community (KSPS) in this case is a place for farmers to learn about the application of organic farming, but it needs to be empowered again for independent extension workers who are able to play a role together with KSPS.


Agriculture, Organic, Adoption, Innovation

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