The Application of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes Materials Analyzing the Size of Single Data Concentration and Student Group Data

Mahyuddin A.(1*),

(1) SMKN 2 Majene
(*) Corresponding Author



The problem raised in this classroom action research is whether there is an effect of applying the Problem Based Learning method on increasing motivation and learning outcomes. Analyzing the size of single data concentration and group data for Class XII TKJ 2 SMKN 2 Majene students in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The choice of the problem was based on the low level of student learning outcomes in mathematics about analyzing the size of the concentration of single data and grouped data. In the research process, the researcher used 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the stages of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The increase in student motivation shows that in the initial condition only 8 students or 30.77%, increased to 17 students or 65.38% in the first cycle, and 26 students or 100% in the second cycle. The increase in student learning outcomes from the average in the initial study of 55.00 rose to 66.54 in the first cycle, and 76.54 in the second cycle, with a learning completeness level of 4 students (15.38%) in the initial conditions, 13 or 50% of students in the first cycle, and in the last cycle it becomes 100% or all students are declared to have completed their studies. Based on these results, the researchers concluded that the Problem Based Learning learning model can increase motivation and learning outcomes for analyzing the size of single data concentration and group data for Class XII TKJ 2 SMKN 2 Majene students in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.


Motivation; learning outcomes; problem based learning

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