Community Partnership Program Implementation of Linear Program Based on Simplex Method at Wahyu Home Industry Chips Business

Aris Baharuddin(1*), Muh. Rizal S(2), Andi Muhammad Rivai(3), Aslinda Aslinda(4), Didin Didin(5),

(1) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Makassar State University, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Makassar State University, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Makassar State University, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Makassar State University, Indonesia
(5) Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Makassar State University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This initiative is designed to boost the profitability of partner businesses by fostering an understanding of the significance of effectively and efficiently utilizing all factors of production. The service activity is divided into three phases. The first phase involves preparation, including field observations, stabilization, location selection for assistance, and the development of training materials. The second phase involves conducting training on the application of linear programming using the simplex method, aided by POM-QM software. The third phase entails an evaluation led by the speaker. The effectiveness of this program is gauged by the participants' ability to identify constraint functions and use POM-QM software until they reach the alternative solution stage, demonstrating the profit gained from the optimal product mix.


Community Partnership; Linear Program; Simplex Method

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