High School Students' Mastery of Arabic Vocabulary in Takalar Regency

Nur Istiqlal Amir(1*), Bachtiar Syamsuddin(2), Nurming Saleh(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The data that has been obtained will be identified, explained and then classified at the level of vocabulary mastery using percentage techniques. From the test results, the data shows that: 1) Based on the results of the vocabulary mastery test, data was obtained that the students' mastery of Arabic vocabulary at SMA Negeri 5 Takalar was included in the medium category with a frequency of 14 with a percentage value of 56%. There are 10 students in the high category with a percentage of 40%, and in the low category there is only 1 student with a percentage of 4%, and for the very low category there are no students in the very low category. Likewise, in the very high category there are no students with very high vocabulary mastery. 2) The results of the Arabic vocabulary mastery test are influenced by several factors, namely: students' awareness of the importance of learning Arabic and spending more time studying as well as school facilities that support learning, learning methods, and also support from the students' parents.


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