The Effectiveness of Online Counseling During the Pandemic and Its Implications for Counselees in Gita Sahabat Institute Program

Neli Rara(1*),

(1) Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja
(*) Corresponding Author


Online counseling is the process of providing assistance through the internet as a liaison between counselor and client. The implementation of online counseling services at the Gita Sahabat Institute, has not been carried out optimally and is not effective because of the busyness of the counselor so that there is less assistance carried out and online counseling has a weakness in every counseling process and the counselor is rather difficult to export the counselee's feelings so that sometimes the counselee is not fully open, and the counselee those who should have received immediate help were not treated quickly. However, the counselors should be those who are experts in the pastoral field. The aim of this thesis is that online counseling services can provide knowledge and insight to Gita Sahabat institutions and counselors which can later be applied to carry out their duties in alleviating problems faced by counselees/clients. In this study, using a qualitative method by conducting interviews, observations and literature studies. And this research was conducted at BPS Toraja Church, North Rantepao Toraja, South Sulawesi.


Online Counseling; Counselors; Counselees

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