Violence In the Name of Religion

Nur Rahma(1*), Nurhirdayu Nurhirdayu(2), Abdul Rahman(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Violence is a trait or condition that encourages force, pressure and coercion. In today's society, violence is not only at the level of escalation of violence (through the circle of violence, structural violence), but also sophistication, violence through cultural processes, and even the religiousization of violence (through labeling violence with religion). Meanwhile, religion contains an idealism towards an order of human life that is full of order and peace with its various teachings on love, brotherhood, anti-violence and so on. The role of religion is decisive in every life and without religion humans will not be able to live perfectly. The amount of violence that is addressed "in the name of religion" makes the face of religion vile and frightening. Religion, which is plotted as an intuition that calms and unites humanity, is actually considered to have the potential to divide people with various doctrines and dogmas that are "bloodthirsty". In a broad perspective, the phenomenon of (religious) violence cannot be separated from the global sources of contemporary conflict and violence.


Violence; Religion; Violence in the Name of Religion

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