The Existence Of The Mangngaro Tradition; Forms Of Respect And Respect For The Mamasa Traditional Spiritual

Aulia Mardatilla(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The mangngaro tradition is an integral part of the culture of the Mamasa people, a tribe living in Indonesia. The tradition involves a series of activities aimed at giving spiritual appreciation and respect to individuals or groups who are considered to have a major contribution in Mamasa society. Through the mangngaro tradition, the people of Mamasa express their gratitude, recognition, and appreciation of people who have contributed to various aspects of their lives. this research utilizes a qualitative approach, This approach allows the researcher to gain an in-depth understanding of the cultural, social, and spiritual aspects that the tradition involves. Qualitative research can also explore the perspectives of the Mamasa people regarding the meaning, value, and significance of the mangngaro tradition in their lives.Mangngaro tradition is one of the important traditions in the culture of the Mamasa people. This tradition involves giving awards and honors to individuals or groups who are considered to have a major contribution to Mamasa society. Through the Mangngaro tradition, the Mamasa people show their gratitude, recognition, and appreciation for people who have contributed to various aspects of their lives.


Ceremonial Behavior; Respect; Awards and Prizes; Clothing

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