Investigation of the Soil Quality for Swiftlet House Building in Palopo City

Furqan Ali Yusuf(1*),

(1) Akademi Teknologi Industri Dewantara Palopo, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Swiftlet nests are one of the flagship commodities that can boost the economy of Palopo City's community. However, to ensure the quality and success of swiftlet nest production, a deep understanding of the quality of swiftlet house building soil is needed. Therefore, an investigation of the soil quality for swiftlet house building in Palopo City was conducted to explore the potential and content of the soil. The methods used in this investigation included soil sampling, analysis of nutrient content, and testing of soil physical properties. The results of this investigation can be used as a reference for swiftlet farmers to improve the quality and quantity of their swiftlet nest production. Furthermore, this research is expected to motivate the community to utilize the potential resources around them as an effort to improve their economy and welfare.


Swiftlet nests; Swiftlet house building soil; Community economic potential.

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