Internalization of Bugis Makassar's "Sipakatau Sigunakannge Sipakalebbi" Culture in Efforts to Prevent Intolerance in Religion

Jihan Chepy Fadhilah(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The variety of clans, religions and identities that spread from Sabang to Merauke is one of Indonesia's wealth. Unfortunately, this variety is not intended as a gift. This is caused by petty behavior that is still often intertwined among the population. In the existence of the Bugis Makassar people, there is a way of thinking about life that is shown, namely the way of life of Sipakatau, Sigunakannge, and Sipakalebbi which are Bugis ancestral societies, which means conveying human character and giving positive values. impact on the personal improvement of each individual, especially for the Bugis. This study seeks to investigate, understand, and describe the social side of Sipakatau, Sigunakannge, and Sipakalebbi Bugis Makassar with the ultimate goal of preventing prejudiced behavior. In order to answer the problem plan in this exam, a set type of research is used. In its preparation, research data is needed, where the selected data is data obtained from a writing surveiconsisting of essential halal ingredients and selected valid ingredients. Looking at the side effects of this exploration, it appears that the Sipak or Sigunakannge and Sipakalebbi Bugis Makassar cultures have values of resistance, particularly mutual respect, general validation and mutual respect which can be used as an effort to examine prejudiced behavior through the creation of an instructive education. curriculum programs.


Sipakatau Sipakainge Sipakalebbi; intolerance; curriculum

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