Mahabbah Ar-Rasul Nationalism: A Study of the Thoughts of Habib Muhammad Luthfi Bin Yahya 1960 AD - 2016 AD

Ardi Raju Ronferus Butar-Butar(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Nationalism awareness must be maintained and maintained in every Indonesian nation. The spirit of nationalism is not only protecting the territorial area but also for the development of the nation in various aspects of life, such as in the fields of education, economy, culture, social etc. One of the tariqah scholars who always stirred up nationalism to his congregation was Habib Muhammad Lutfi bin Yahya. So that the author is interested in studying Habib Luthfi's idea of nationalism, because among other tariqah scholars who spread the idea of nationalism, Habib Luthfi has a greater and more equal influence and contribution in all circles. The writing of this article uses descriptive qualitative research methods with observation and literature studies. The research results and conclusions can be explained that; (1) according to Habib Luthfi, nationalism is a sense of love for the homeland that gives birth to defending the State and the nation.


Mahabbah Ar-Rasul; Habib Muhammad Lutfi Bin Yahya; Nationalism

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