Social Evolution in the Communities Around the Wae Pellae Baths in Kampala Village, in Sinjai Regency

Awaluddin Awaluddin(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Wae Pellae is a place that is considered sacred by the local community, which also has a social function as a tourist and vacation spot, the arrival of guests from outside the village has affected the social life of the local community. The purpose of this research is (i) to find out the form of social life of the people around the Wae Pellae Baths (ii) to find out the effect of tourist arrivals on the people around the Wae Pellae Baths. This research is a qualitative research using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the research are (1) The Wae Pellae bath is an object used to perform traditional rituals for the people of Kampala Village and the outside community, so that its existence greatly influences the cultural life of the surrounding community. (2) The positive influence of the arrival of tourists to the community around the Wae Pellae Baths as a place of socio-economic production, while the negative influence causes various changes in mindset and pattern of action.


Social Evolution; Public; Wae Pellae

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