The Correlation among Students’ Self-Regulated Learning, School Environment and Speaking Competence at Vocational High School

Farid Heriansya(1*), A. Muliati(2), Sahril Sahril(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aimed to determine the correlation between students' self-regulated learning and their school environment toward students' speaking competence. This research used quantitative approach with a correlational design especially multiple correlational research design. The target population in this study was the students of SMK Telkom Makassar. By using purposive sampling technique, the sample was XI RPL 2. The result of the data indicated that, self-regulated learning (X1) and school environment (X2) variables are simultaneously correlated to the speaking competence (Y) variable at the XI RPL 2 SMK Telkom Makassar. Self-regulated learning (X1) with sig.value (P value) 0.000 and school environment (X2) with sig.value (P value) 0.045 is lower than 0.05. It means that self-regulated learning has a good impact to speaking competence, when students’ have a high self-regulated learning, it can make their speaking is better. And also, school environment has a good impact to speaking, when they have very supportive environment, it can make their speaking is better. Therefore, in order to build the students’ speaking competence to be an extraordinary speaker, the students’ need to train and manage their self-regulated learning well and the students’ also need a supportive environment to support their learnig process.


Self-Regulated Learning, School Environment; Formal Environment; Speaking

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