The Four Pillars of Indonesian Nationality

Caroline Pindan Laura(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Pancasila is the basis of the state & national ideology which brings a logical consequence that the values of Pancasila are made the main foundation, the fundamental foundation for the administration of the Indonesian state. Pancasila contains 5 precepts which in essence contain 5 basic basic values. The basic values according to Pancasila are the values of Belief in the One and Only God, Just & Civilized Human Values, Indonesian Unity values, Democracy values led by wisdom in deliberations/representation, & values of social justice for all Indonesian people. Within the framework of development thinking in the Indonesian state, the nature of Pancasila's position contains a consequence that in all aspects of national development, it is mandatory from within the values of Pancasila, both aspects of political development, economic development as well as social development. In political development based on Pancasila, Indonesia adheres to a democratic political system, namely placing society in the highest position, which means placing sovereignty in all societies (democracy).


National Pillars; Ideology; 1945 Constitution

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