Application of the Token Economy Method (Bintang Savings) in Reducing Aggressive Behavior in Deaf Children

Ainul Rafiqah(1*), Mustafa Mustafa(2), Tatiana Meidina(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The aims of this study were to determine: 1) Reduction in aggressive behavior in class VI deaf children before being given intervention (A1), 2) Reduction in aggressive behavior in class VI deaf children when given intervention (B), 3) Reduction in aggressive behavior in deaf children class VI after being given an intervention (A2), 4) Reducing aggressive behavior in deaf children in class VI based on the results of an analysis between conditions before being given an intervention (A1) when being given an intervention (B) and after being given an intervention (A2). The data analysis technique is Single Subject Research (SSR) with an A-B-A research design. The results of the study can be concluded that the reduction of aggressive behavior 1) in the baseline condition 1 (A1) the poor category 2) the reduction in aggressive behavior in the intervention condition (B) the capable category 3) the reduction in aggressive behavior in the baseline condition 2 (A2) the capable category 4) the reduction Aggressive behavior in children with hearing impairment based on the results of an analysis between conditions, namely in the baseline condition 1 (A1) in the poor category, in the intervention condition (B) in the capable category, and in the baseline condition 2 (A2) in the capable category. The results of the study concluded that the application of the token economy method (star savings) can reduce aggressive behavior in class VI deaf children at SLB Al Qasmi Watampone.


Aggressive Behavior; Token economy method; Deaf

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