Experiential Learning Based on Local Culture in Teaching Writing Recount Text at Senior High School

Rabiati Rabiati(1*), Muhammad Basri(2), Sukardi Weda(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives of this research were to observe the teachers’ implement of experiential learning based on local culture in teaching recount text at Senior High School, and to know the students’ perception toward experiential learning based on local culture in learning writing recount text. The findings of the study revealed that both the English teachers used the experiential learning method in teaching writing recount texts because this method was considered appropriate in teaching writing specifically recount texts. Both the English teachers also consider that it is very important to integrate local culture in learning English because it is one of the efforts to be able to love one's own culture even though learning a foreign language. The findings also indicate that the most of students perceive that they are easily to write their own experience in recount text, they will be more motivated when teacher used interesting method in teaching. Moreover, most of them are agree that learning through own experience or someone experience will give a positive impact to their achievement, most of them are totally agree that they can easily get some ideas based on their experience, and most of the students are totally agree that they can be easier to remember something that they have experienced.


Experiential learning, writing recount text, local culture

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