Sosialisasi Tentang Penggunaan Media Sosial Untuk Siswa Dan Siswi Sekolah Dasar D Kampung Kuadas Distrik Makbon Kabupaten Sorong

Ana lestari(1*), Agil Saeni(2), Rosnani Rosnani(3), Miryam Diana Kalagison(4), Laila Qadriyani M Rumakat(5),

(1) Universitas Muammadiyah Sorong
(2) Universitas Muammadiyah Sorong
(3) Universitas Muammadiyah Sorong
(4) Universitas Muammadiyah Sorong
(5) Universitas Muammadiyah Sorong
(*) Corresponding Author


socialization With the rapid development  of technology and the internet today, it has made it easier for us to interact or communicate with fellow humans, but the rapid development of the internet not only has a positive impact but also has negative impacts such as cyber Sex, cyber Bullying, and Brainwashing Terrorism,therefore of wise use social media needs to be done in order to increase awareness in the community, especially elementary school children about the dangers misuse of social media. Elementary school age children are currently learning quickly in the use of technological devices that are widely used by adults as cellphones or laptops that are connected to the internet network so as to provide easy access to an extraordinary world of various sites and applications that are provided free of charge, social media technology shows social changes among elementary school age children in terms of social activities or human relations. There are many cases that show the erosion of polite character among students in elementary schools due to a lack of family attention to children’s attitudes and behavior as well as the negative influence caused by social media. The purpose of this socialization is to educate about the positive and negative impacts of using social media andto include the role of parents in controlling children’s use of mobile phones. The subjects of this socialization were students in grades three to six at YPK Sion Kuadas Elementary School and their parents. Collecting data using socialization and  documentation techniques. The result and this socialization are to show that the family palys a role in educating and teaching knowledge and evaluating every attitude and behavior of elementary school students as long as they are in the family, school,and community sphere.


ocialization; Social media; Elementary school.

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