The Existence of Katoang Buttaya as a Medicinal Media for Dusun Baliti Communities in the Modern Era

Zalshabila Rahmadhani(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Attompolok is a ritual which is also commonly referred to as a tradition or habit that is usually carried out by the Kompang Village Community, Sinjai Regency. This ritual or tradition has existed for a long time and has been passed down from generation to generation from generation to generation, besides that this tradition is also a tradition that still exists and is still preserved by the local community because it has important meanings and symbols for the Kompang Village community who live in the village. so far still doing it. This study is a research that uses qualitative research in which the method used by researchers in making and compiling this journal is by observing methods related to traditions or rituals carried out by the local community, besides that interviews are also used in the preparation of this journal to clarify the results of this study. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the meaning and function contained in this Attompolok tradition or ritual. Attompolok is a ritual that is usually carried out by the local community because of the gratitude for the birth of a child and the mixing of local culture with the teachings of Islam makes this ritual interesting because of the procedures for its implementation and the objects used in carrying out this ritual acculturation or mixing in it.


Attompolok; Tradition; Meaning and Function

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