The Effect of Self Management Techniques in Reducing Students' Academic Procrastination Behavior in High Schools

Masita Kadir(1*), Syamsul Bachri Thalib(2), Suciani Latif(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of Quasi Experimental Design. The population of this study was 83 students in class X and the research sample was 20 students, which were divided into the experimental group and the control group, each of which consisted of 10 students. Sampling with Proportional Random Sampling technique. Collecting data using a scale of academic procrastination behavior, and observation guidelines. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis and parametric analysis, namely t test. The results showed that: (1) the level of student's academic procrastination behavior during the pre-test in the experimental group was in the high category and the control group was in the medium category, at the time of giving the posttest, the level of academic procrastination behavior of the experimental group students changed to a very low category. and the control group experienced a change to the very low category but there were still students who were in the moderate category, (2) the implementation of self management techniques was carried out according to the procedures that had been designed through 4 stages, namely rational treatment, self monitoring, stimulus control, self reward, and final evaluation, (3) there is an effect of the level of academic procrastination behavior on those who are given treatment, namely the experimental group and the group that is not given treatment, namely the control group.


Academic Procrastination Behavior; Self Management

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