Cemme Passili Tradition Among Bugis Communities in Bone Regency

Ainun Pratiwi(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar,
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar,
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to examine the cemme passili tradition among the people of Arokke hamlet, Lappariaja sub-district, bone district, where cemme passili is a tradition carried out by the bride and groom when they are about to carry out the wedding process so as to avoid reinforcements besides finding out (a) the prayer that is read (b) ) process in the cemme passili tradition (c) Views of customary law on the cemme passili tradition before marriage. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research results where (1) prayer when carrying out cemme passili (2) know the process of the cemme passili tradition (3) know customary law the cemme passili tradition so that it can be concluded that the cemme passili tradition is a tradition carried out by the people of Arokke hamlet before the wedding with the aim of being able to reject reinforcements and cleanse themselves of things that can hinder the smooth running of the ceremony. The Passili tradition, according to customary law, is a community habit that comes from ancestors passed down from generation to generation which has become a binding custom. The Passili tradition which is carried out before the wedding is expected not only for people before carrying out the wedding but also for those who have been married for a long time because the aim is to cleanse themselves and hope for Allah's blessing so that they have a household that is sakinah mawadah warahma.


cemme passilo, tradition; community; arokke hamlet; lappariaja district

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