The Existence of Katoang Buttaya in the Modern Era

Andi Reski Diana(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Etymologically, the word culture or culture comes from the Latin word Colere which means to process or work on. The word culture in English can also be interpreted as culture in Indonesian and means culture. Apart from etymology, several experts also expressed their opinions regarding the meaning of culture. For example, the wedding ceremony of the Flores people, or the general election process in Indonesia. Party campaigns are an example of a form or form of culture in the form of individual activity. In these activities contained the patterned behavior of the individual, which was shaped or influenced by his culture. However, the marriage ceremony is an activity that is patterned from a society. Like the wedding ceremony in Javanese society, which is so complicated, it shows a regular and fixed pattern by using various objects needed in the activity.


Culture; Public; Activity; Rituals

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