The Effect of Acculturation Between Javanese Culture and Mandar Culture on the Identity of Wonomulyo District

Khuznul Khatimah Juarta(1*), St. Junaeda(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the effect of acculturation between Javanese culture and Mandar culture on the identity of the Wonomulyo sub-district. Understand and know acculturation in Wonomulyo District. This study uses a qualitative research method sourced from secondary data obtained from the process of reviewing the bibliography (literature study). The results of this study indicate that the Wonomulyo District area is dominated by Javanese ethnic nuances, which can be seen from the village names, street names, and buildings that use Javanese philosophy. The occurrence of acculturation in Wonomulyo produces values and rules that are useful for society in order to establish harmony and harmony in everyday life. The presence of the Javanese ethnic community has made Wonomulyo District more advanced than other sub-districts in Polewali Mandar. Wonomulyo sub-district is better known as "Kappung Jawa" in Mandar language and means Javanese village. However, it can be said that Javanese culture can survive in the Mandar lands and the Mandares also thrive in the villages of Java.


Acculturation; Identity; Java, Mandar

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