The Impact of Phubbing on Teenagers, Especially Students

Maria Goreti Murni(1*), Ahmadin Ahmadin(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia is a country where almost all of its citizens use technological tools such as smartphones, which can lead to phubbing which triggers the negative impact of the progress of an increasingly developing era. The more advanced the world of technology, the more phubbing actors are developing in society, and the faktor of the emergence of phubbing is the increasingly rapid technological advances. Based on the observations of many teenagers who have done phubbing to friends or to the community in the environment where he is studying and where he lives, even this is done by parents. Phubbing is an action or attitude where we are more concerned with or focus on our cellphones or smartphones than paying attention to friends who are communicating with us, this has directly hurt our friends or other people around us.


Technology/smartphone refers to the phubbing attitude

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