Mapano Bine Tradition In Bugis (Bone) Society

Yuyun Wahyuni(1*), Abdul Rahman(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This research examines the mapano bine tradition as an activity and process in the life of the Bugis people. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. This tradition is based on part of the culture that must be fostered and preserved, because the greatness of the country is reflected in its culture. As for traditions that exist in Bugis society, we must learn about the tradition of Mapano Bine for the local young generation. Hopefully the mapano bine tradition will be preserved, not lost. The main aim and objective of the mapano bine tradition is to pay respects in the form of offerings and certain actions aimed at the spirits of the ancestors who are considered to have kept their paddy in a safe, peaceful. Many nowadays tend to not know how to do mapano bine because only their parents used to carry out the mapano bine tradition. This completes the explanation of the values inherent in the mapano bine tradition. Of course, the values that are conceived and well implemented by the community will continue so that this tradition can continue, survive and continue and develop further in the future. The mapano bine tradition is carried out in stages, namely 1. Madakkala 2. Madoja bine 3. Mapano bine 4. Mapalise ase 5. Mapapuli 6. Mappamula 7. Mapadendang or mappadekko. This tradition is a process of harvesting activities for the Bone Bugis community in Wollangi village. This mapano bine activity has been carried out for generations, each stage has its own meaning.


Mapano bine tradition in Bugis (Bone) society

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