The Songkabala Tradition in the View of Islamic Law: A Case Study in the Bone-Bone Community, Takalar District

Meliani Sawitri(1*), Mubarak Dahlan(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This research discusses the songkabala tradition in the view of Islamic law (a case study of the Bone-bone community in Takalar district). the research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Songkabala, which is understood by the people of Bone-Bone, is a tradition with the aim of asking for strength and protection from Allah SWT. to avoid disaster and danger. Songkabala is still maintained by the people of Bone-Bone and has a big impact on life in their village. Songkabala is considered not contrary to Islamic law, because this tradition only prays to ask for safety and protection from Allah SWT. Meanwhile, from the community relations, this tradition is considered as a place to strengthen ties of sililahturahmi. Then in terms of food, Islam does not recommend cooking certain foods and ingredients. Islam only encourages praying, but food preparation should only be eaten together after praying.


Tradition; Songkabala; view of Islamic law

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