Neutralizing The Spurious Logic of Vivisection: An Animal Rights Response

Amaobi Nelson Osuala(1*), Nyok Effiom Efio-Ita(2),

(1) University of Ibadan
(2) University of Calabar
(*) Corresponding Author


It is the thrust of this paper to critically dismantle the reckless ideological edifice cum conceptual distortions as well as the heterogeneous colorations that have beclouded so many works and debates on such issues as the moral justification of animal experimentation, product testing and the scientific use of ‘non-human’ animals during medical research. This paper brings to fore, the irrationality behind such supposed ‘rational’ act of biomedical research and critically invalidates such unrepentant exploitative use of non-human animals for research arguing that such acts whether perpetrated by an individual or a group is rather misguided, misconstrued and misrepresented on the premise that it is a direct distortion of the peace and harmony that exists in the entire web and nature of existence, which have consequently left us in the ‘mess’ we are in today. The method used in this research is critical analysis. Our findings are that the arguments in support of animal experimentation is baseless, faulty and hypocritical, and thus not justified


Animal rights; Vivisection; rationality; biomedical research

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