The Effect of Intellectual Intelligence and Leadership on Employee Job Satisfaction at The Public Accounting Office Harly Weku Makassar

Muh Haerul(1*), Chalid Imran Musa(2), Agung Widhi Kurniawan(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine how the influence of intellectual intelligence and leadership on job satisfaction of the employees of the public accounting firm Harly Weku Makassar. The population in this study were all 26 employees. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using the IBM Statistical for Product and Service (SPSS) Version 26 program, which is to explain the influence of intellectual intelligence and leadership on employee job satisfaction. From the results of the study, it was found that the t-count value on the intellectual intelligence variable was 2.754 which was greater than the t-table 2.069, which means that partially intellectual intelligence had a positive and significant influence on employee job satisfaction, while the t-value for the leadership variable was 2.706 greater than at t table 2.069, which means partially leadership has a positive and significant influence on employee satisfaction. Then the calculated f value of 4.447 is greater than the f table of 3.403 which means that the intellectual intelligence and leadership variables have a positive and significant influence on the job satisfaction of the employees of the Public Accountant Office of Harly Weku Makassar.


Intellectual Intelligence; Leadership; Job satisfaction.

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