A Descriptive Study of Parenting Styles and Oral Proficiency in Bilingual Children: Indonesian and English)

Ruly Kartika(1*), Haryanto Atmowardoyo(2), Nurdin Noni(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to describe the style of parenting that is applied which is closely related to bilingual development and speaking skills in English. Participants consisted of four heads of families who had children who were raised bilingually. Whatever the age range, the participants are mothers with an age range of 28-34 years and children with an age range of 3-7 years. During the observation process, the participants' strategies were to facilitate children's bilingual activities and promote children's bilingual development. Data from the results of research using interviews, it was found that parents were found to have fairly good English skills. Meanwhile, from the results of research using observations, it was found that the frequency and intensity of interacting using two languages did not apply strict and rigid language rules. In other words, bilingualism frequency data obtained directly from observations. What's more, this bilingual arrangement occurs in the home environment which mainly takes place when the child is playing, not in an academic or school environment where the teacher observes the child's language skills formally. In conclusion, this study did not measure parenting styles that affect the accuracy of English used in bilingual interactions.


Parenting Style; Speaking Skills; Bilingual; Interaction

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