Student Perceptions of the Application of Concrete Structure Learning

Andi Ardian Pratama(1), Andi Abidah(2*), Irma Aswani Ahmad(3), Muh. Ichsan Ali(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Perception is a complex process of observation in receiving and interpreting information in the environment by using the five senses. Perception is more complex when compared to the sensing process. The sensing process is only the initial step of the perceptual process, sensing provides a real picture of an object, while perception can understand more than the real picture of the object. So, if someone has a perception about an object by using the five senses, it means he knows, understands, and realizes about that object. In the perceptual process the individual will select whether the stimulus is useful or not for him, and determine what is best to do (behavior). The purpose of this research is to find out how the students 'perceptions of learning in the Basic Concrete Structure subject are focused on students' perceptions of the Basic Concrete Structure course, student behavior and attitudes during the learning process of the Basic Concrete Structure course. This research method is a quantitative descriptive study using percentages. Data collecting was done using a questionnaire. The results of the research on Student Perceptions of Learning Application of Basic Concrete Structure Subjects in the Department of PTSP FT UNM. Overall student perceptions were included in the moderate category with a percentage of 44%, which is where the indicators assessed most of the students were still included in the medium category of the given assessment standards. Based on the description of the research results, it is concluded that there is a close relationship between the indicators studied, namely indicators of basic knowledge, understanding, judgment and behavior, with the problem point being the indicators of basic knowledge and understanding.


Perceptions; Behavior and Attitude of Student; Learning

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