Teachers’ Bilingual Use in an Indonesian Primary Education

Sinta Dewi Anggung(1*), Muhammad Basri(2), Kisman Salija(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Teaching English as a language of instruction puts teachers and students in an essential position because it adds a new challenge to teaching and studying using English and Indonesian. This study used a case study method to analyze the data. The objectives of this study were: (1) knowing teachers' perceptions of the use of bilingualism; (2) observing bilingualism implementation in English and Science classrooms; and (3) identifying the impact of bilingualism at Menara St. Martinus Elementary School. The participants of this study were an English teacher and a science teacher who used English and Indonesian in teaching and students from English and Science classes 4A and 4B, for a total of 56 students. The researcher collected data through interviews, observations, and documentation. Interviews were used to determine bilingual teachers' perceptions; observations were used to observe how bilingualism was implemented in the classroom, and documentation was used to see student report cards. The teaching and learning processes were carried out in 40-minute Zoom meetings. The research found two different perspectives, namely high-perception (T1) and moderate-perception (T2), based on an analysis of three perceptual indicators, namely acceptance, understanding, and evaluation. Furthermore, this study discovered that both teachers had effectively implemented bilingual education. Finally, the two teachers' implementation of bilingual education had an impact on teacher-student interaction, enhancing language abilities and students’ academic achievement.


Teachers’ bilingual; perception; implementation; students’ achievement

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