Reordering Christianity for Environmental Sustenance

Peter Bisong Bisong(1*), Eric Ndoma Besong(2),

(1) 1Department of Philosophy, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River, Nigeria
(2) Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria
(*) Corresponding Author


In recent times the environment has been the centre of attention amongst scientists, environmentalists, philosophers and other scholars. It is their belief that in our days the environment is being degraded at a pace unsurpassed in history. Problems like ocean acidity, ozone layer depletion, flooding, rise in sea level, global warming, climate change and a host of others are pointed at as the effect of this unruly plummeting of the environment. Patriarchy, capitalism, divisive mind-sets, consumerism and other causes have been put forth as reasons why humans are ever degrading the environment. While not disagreeing with these claims, this work places a greater blame on religion. The work therefore, intends to look at the impact religion (with special focus on Christianity) is having on the environment. The impact of Christianity on the environment would be assessed from the building she erects, the noise she generates and the teachings she spreads. This would be shown to have negative impact on the environment. The work would therefore, in the light of this, conclude that for a call for a sustainable environment to be visibly actualized, Christianity as well as other religions would need to restructure their teachings and ways of worship as well as control their expansion rate. The government should serve to regulate the activities of churches in order to channel them to the path that would lead to a sustainable environment. Unless this is done, Christianity would speed up the impending collapse of the world.


Christianity; Impact; Environment; Noise Pollution; Church Expansion

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