Penerapan K-Means Clustering dalam Pengelompokan Data (Studi Kasus Profil Mahasiswa Matematika FMIPA UNM)

Ahmad Zaki(1), Irwan Irwan(2*), Imanuel Agung Sembe(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Penelitian ini adalah penelitian terapan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui cluster yang ada pada mahasiswa jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM menggunakan K-Means Clustering. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi literatur. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 4 cluster dimana durasi belajar mandiri dan IPK dari tertinggi ke terendah berturut-turut adalah Cluster 1, Cluster 2, Cluster 4, dan Cluster 3. Cluster 1 didominasi mahasiswa SBMPTN, Semester 3, dengan rata-rata berumur 19,20 tahun, durasi belajar mandiri 2,49 jam, 23,97 SKS, IPS 3,69, dan IPK 3,67.  Cluster 2 didominasi mahasiswa SBMPTN, Semester 1, dengan rata-rata berumur 18,08 tahun, durasi belajar mandiri 2,07 jam, 22 SKS, dan IPK 3,63. Cluster 4 didominasi mahasiswa MANDIRI, Semester 5, dengan rata-rata berumur 19,78 tahun, durasi belajar mandiri 1,89 jam, 21,62 SKS, IPS 3,48, dan IPK 3,36. Cluster 3 didominasi mahasiswa SBMPTN dan IPS 3,64, SNMPTN bersama-sama, Semester 3, dengan rata-rata berumur 18,52 tahun, durasi belajar mandiri 1,29 jam, 21,87 SKS, IPS 3,13, dan IPK 3,19. Variabel yang paling berpengaruh dalam pembentukan cluster secara berturut-turut adalah Semester, Jumlah SKS, IPK, Umur, IPS, Rata-rata Durasi Belajar Mandiri, dan Jalur Masuk.   

Kata Kunci: Cluster, K-Means Clustering, IPK, Durasi Belajar Mandiri.

This research is an applied research that aims to determine the existing clusters in students majoring in Mathematics FMIPA UNM using K-Means Clustering. This research method is literature study. The results obtained 4 clusters where the duration of self-study and the GPA from the highest to the lowest were Cluster 1, Cluster 2, Cluster 4, and Cluster 3. Cluster 1 was dominated by SBMPTN students, Semester 3, with an average age of 19.20 years, duration of independent study 2.49 hours, 23.97 course credits, IPS 3.69, and IPK 3.67. Cluster 2 is dominated by SBMPTN students, Semester 1, with an average age of 18.08 years, independent study duration 2.07 hours, 22 course credits, IPS 3.64, and IPK 3.63. Cluster 4 is dominated by MANDIRI students, Semester 5, with an average age of 19.78 years, duration of independent study 1.89 hours, 21.62 course credits, IPS 3.48, and IPK 3.36. Cluster 3 is dominated by SBMPTN and SNMPTN students together, Semester 3, with an average age of 18.52 years, duration of independent study 1.29 hours, 21.87 course credits, IPS 3.13, and IPK 3.19. The most influential variables in the formation of clusters are Semester, Number of Course Credits, IPK, Age, IPS, Average Duration of Independent Study, and Pathway.

Keywords: Cluster, K-Means Clustering, IPK, Duration of Independent Learning

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