Pengabdian Masyarakat Melalui Edukasi

Ira Risfiana(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The theme of Integrated Real Work Lecture (KKN) that the author uses is community service through integrated KKN regarding the control and education of the prevention of Covid-19. with the target program for junior high school students and the community in the neighborhood where students live. The author designed several special programs related to the theme of Integrated KKN, with the consideration of adhering to the prevailing health protocols. The programs that the author has designed are expected to achieve the objectives of the theme that has been selected. The objectives of the programs include: 1) Knowing public awareness of the dangers of Covid-19, 2) Increasing public knowledge of the importance of maintaining personal health, 3) Informing the proper and correct procedures for preventing Covid-19. The implementation method uses the following steps: Identification of potential and analyzing problems that exist in the community, designing the Integrated Real-Work Lecture program, Researching literature for reference material used during service, observing crowded places to enforce health protocols by visiting the community directly as well as to educate the importance of health protocols to the public. Based on observations there are differences that lead to better public awareness of the dangers of Covid-19, before and after program implementation.

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