Pelatihan Pengurusan Jenazah Di Kecamatan Tanete Rilau

Asri Ainun Amaliah(1), Jalil Saleh(2*), Nurul Amalia(3), Sariana Sariana(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Managing the corpse is Fardu Kifayah, that is, everyone is not required to done it. However, for those who study religion, it is become responsibility and great reward to  deepening it. Today, the youth  including a person study religion seen uncare involved in handling for corpses. This article with the tittle Training of handling Corpse in Tanete Rilau was held with the purpose that the society in Tanete Rilau District could find out about the procedures for handling corpses.

The method of implementing to handling the corpse is training and instruction. It is providing counseling to the community led by Mr. Syafruddin S.Ag, the KUA extension officer in Barru district, South Sulawesi.

Based on the activities that have been done, the community  understand the procedures for bathing corpse, shrouding, and praying based with Islamic law. This can be show from the enthusiasm and the massive participate in this training. This was carried out at Juppai Mosque,  Tanete Rilau, Barru Regency.

Keywords: Handling corpses, Tanete Rilau District


Handling corpses, Tanete Rilau District

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