Utilization of Sawdust as a Media for Cultivating White Oyster Mushrooms (Pleourotus ostreatus) in Polongbangkeng Utara District, Takalar Regency

Wahida Nur(1*), A. Sri Astika Wahyuni(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


In Takalar District, in Manongkoki sub-district, most of the people work as furniture craftsmen. The majority of the population in Polongbangkeng Utara sub-district works as furniture craftsmen so that this area is included in the furniture industrial area. Seeing the large number of furniture industries in this sub-district, it is clear that it creates waste in the form of wood chips and sawdust. So far, the waste from the furniture industry has not been fully utilized by the people in the furniture industrial area. People sometimes just pile up, burn and let it rot. Therefore, countermeasures that can be used as an alternative to overcome the waste from the furniture industry is to socialize to the public about the benefits of sawdust which can be used as a medium for cultivating white oyster mushrooms. The socialization activity consisted of stages with the presentation of material in a lecture and discussion on the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and how to cook mushrooms into processed oyster mushroom products such as chips, satay and fried oyster mushrooms, demonstrations and giving processed mushroom tasters.

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