Pengaruh Google Trend dan Variabel Makroekonomi Terhadap Harga, Return, dan Volume Perdagangan Bitcoin

Dewi Indriyani(1*), Berto Usman(2),

(1) Universitas Bengkulu
(2) Universitas Bengkulu
(*) Corresponding Author



This research aims to understand whether Google searches can wield significant influence on Bitcoin prices, returns, and trading volume, thereby capturing investors' attention towards the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Additionally, Bitcoin returns signify profits or losses arising from Bitcoin investments, while Bitcoin trading volume serves as an indicator of liquidity and market activity. The research methodology involves the analysis of historical Google Search Volume (GSV) data related to Bitcoin keywords, along with price, return, and trading volume data over a specific period. The subject of this research is Bitcoin, and the analytical method employed is a time series data regression model. The results of this research reveal that Google Trends have a positive and significant impact on Bitcoin. However, this impact does not always translate into an immediate change in Bitcoin returns. Furthermore, an increased interest in favorable information about a stock can attract buying interest, likely manifested in a rise in Bitcoin trading volume.


Cryptocurrency; Google Search Volume

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