Setiani Yulia Kartika Sari(1*), Teguh Triwiyanto(2),

(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of learning management accountability in MI Diponegoro. The subjects in this study were teachers and school principals. The data collection technique in this research is observation. The data were analyzed using a scoring technique. In addition, the data were analyzed using a descriptive approach. The location of the research was carried out in MI Diponegoro Kedungkandang. MI Diponegoro is included in an accountable school, where the program activities carried out by the school are in accordance with the standard of the learning process. Planning the learning process includes: 1) Syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP); 2) Competency Standards (SK); 3) Basic Competence (KD); 4) indicators of competency achievement; 5) assessment of learning outcomes; 6) learning objectives; 7) learning resources. The results of learning activities are said to be successful where the management and learning process are carried out appropriately, according to needs, following developments, and harmonious relations between the two parties and others. In addition to the learning process and objectives that determine the success of the development of the learning process, it includes a learning component. The learning components include: 1) students, 2) educators, 3) learning materials, 4) learning methods, 5) learning media, 6) learning evaluation.


accountability, implementation, learning

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