PKM Pelatihan Pengukuran Kesegaran Jasmani Siswa SD Bagi Guru-Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan di Kecamatan Cina Kabupaten Bone

Muliadi Muliadi(1*), Sitti Jauhar(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Abstract. The purpose of this activity is to provide understanding and skills to measure students' physical fitness. The benefit of this activity is that all schools in the Chinese sub-district have correct physical fitness data, and can be used as indicators for PJOK teachers to develop and carry out sports activity programs in their respective schools. The method used is the provision of materials and assistance, namely; The first stage provides knowledge/understanding about the concept of physical fitness, the goals and benefits of physical fitness for students, the practice of measuring physical fitness tests according to elementary school age. Then the second activity stage was carried out with the mentoring method, namely carrying out the practice of measuring physical fitness for elementary school age, based on the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI) guidelines. The third stage is to evaluate the training participants in implementing the elementary school physical fitness test measurements. The results achieved by the participants showed a very responsive and active attitude in participating in activities by actively asking questions, demonstrating, carrying out all tests and measurements of physical fitness for elementary school age and completing tasks assigned by the service team.

Keywords: Teacher Training, Physical Education, Measurement, Physical Fitness.

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