The Effect Of Aplication Directed Reading Thingking Activity (DRTA) Learning Strategies Toward Reading Comprehension Skills At The Fourth Grade Student Of SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo

Andi Ulmi Dwiyanti Sukri(1*), Nurhaedah Nurhaedah(2), Suarlin Suarlin(3),

(1) Program Studi PGSD FIP UNM
(2) Program Studi PGSD FIP UNM
(3) Program Studi PGSD FIP UNM
(*) Corresponding Author



This research examines the effect of application DRTA learning strategies toward reading comprehension skills at the fourth grade student of SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo. The formulation of this research problem are (1) What isi the description of the reading comprehension skills at the fourth grade student of SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan tanasitolo KabupatenWajo? And (2) How much effect of the Application DRTA learning strategies toward reading comprehension skills at the fourth grade student of SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo. The purpose of this study are: (1) To know the description of the reading comprehension skills. (2) To know the effect of the Application DRTA Learning Strategies toward Reading Comprehension Skills at the Fourth Grade Student of SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo. This research approach is quantitative research with the type of quasi experimental research, with the pretest, treatment, and posttest stages. The research variables consist of two, the independent variable is the DRTA learning strategies and the dependent variable is reading comprehension skills. The population in this study were all high class students IV, V, and VI at SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo and the study sample of the 4rd grade at SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo was 23 student. The data collection techniques are carried out using test and documentation. The technique od analyzing data using descriptive statistical and inferential statictical analysiswa. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Student reading comprehension skills have increased from effective to very effective. (2) There is the influence of the DRTA learning strategies on the comprehension skills at the fourth grade student of SDN Kompleks Pincengpute Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Andi Ulmi Dwiyanti Sukri, Nurhaedah Nurhaedah, Suarlin Suarlin

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International Journal of Elementary School Teacher

ISSN 2776-6233 (online)


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